Fertility Plus
Angus Fertility Plus
ABS Australia is proud to offer Angus Fertility Plus for the upcoming season. Angus Fertility Plus is a premium beef product specifically targeted to commercial dairy and beef clients to maximise the profitability of any beef x dairy or commercial beef operation.
This specifically designed product incorporates three industry leading USA Angus sires from the ABS program, exhibiting an impressive combined calving ease direct EPD of +13, as well as shorter gestation and improved dairy x beef calf vigour. As the product name implies, we have boosted the fertility through incorporating three sires into one straw, with field experience suggesting a 5-9% increase in pregnancy rates!
Fertility Plus from Genus ABS UK
Fertility plus 280 for super-short gestation...
Fertility plus 280 offers more than just increased conception rates, but also a super-short gestation period.
Fertility plus 280 contains only those beef bulls from our vast stud which have an average gestation length of 280 days!
Only Genus ABS can do this. Because we have the world's most comprehensive beef calving survey over dairy cows, which allows us to scientifically identify sires with exceptionally short gestation lengths.
As well as savings made through increased conception rates, Fertility plus will also save you money in lower replacement rates and you will benefit from extra calves bred from your best cows...
- Proven easy calving sires
- Super calf quality
- Reliability
- Gestation length
Fertilty plus 280 is now available.

By combining semen from three bulls with different capacitation rates in one straw there is a longer window of opportunity to fertilise eggs that may be released at different times (see diagram above).
Fertility plus provides great benefits...
As well as savings made through increased conception rates, Fertility plus will also save you money in lower replacement rates and you will benefit from extra calves bred from your cows.
Proven easy calving sires... Each and every beef sire in our stud undergoes a rigorous calving survey, unique to Genus. So you can be confident in the knowledge that all the bulls in the Fertility plus range are all easy calving.
Only when we have data on at least 100 calvings in dairy herds will our beef sires have the stamp of approval. So you can rest assured the sires used in Fertility plus offer great reliability.

Fertility plus, harnessing science...
Years of innovative research has allowed us to demonstrate that our Fertility product increased conception rates by 9%*. We do this by exploiting the natural variation which exists between sperm from different bulls, by a biological process known as capacitation.
For more information or toread testimonials from farmers in the UK about their Fertility plus experiences, please choose from below.