More Profitable Replacements and Faster Genetic Progress.
Create an entire herd of ideal cows and optimize return on investment when using IVF as a reproduction tool.
Success in the livestock industry is a result of the genetic progress within a herd. The speed at which you progress hinges on the genetics and technology you use. Historically, the use of artificial insemination allowed producers to speed up genetic progress with conventional semen; the adoption of sexed genetics has cranked the dial even faster. In recent years, producers have started to use embryo transfer technology with in vitro fertilization to make even faster genetic improvements. This was once a tool only considered for the most elite, but that is not the case today.
ABS Global has a long-standing history of maximizing profit through genetic progress. Staying true to our value of innovation, we strive to offer our customers the best in genetics and technology to help you reach your goals. ABS recognizes the advancement that can be made through IVF embryos and is proud to offer producers a genetic improvement option to take their herds to the next level.
Real Genetic Gains with IVF
With IVF embryos, you can make dramatic change in one generation, because you can eliminate genetics from low-value females by having those cows carry an embryo. Using an index based on your herd’s goals to rank your females allows you to identify who will enter the IVF donor population to create the ideal cows for your dairy. An IVF embryo program allows you to choose your genetic direction, increase selection intensity, and create the right pregnancy, ultimately speeding up your genetic improvement.
The IVF Impact on Profit
Embryos provide you with an opportunity to speed up genetic progress. Producers can increase the actual lifetime profit of their herd by improving its genetic value. Let us demonstrate this with an example of a 3,500-cow dairy using IVF embryos purchased from ABS. The embryos are from donors of very progressive herds and elite ABS sires that match the customer’s genetic selection requirements. The herd replaced 50% of their AI breedings with embryos. And that is where the magic happens!

The base calf crop started with an estimated breeding value of $1,060. Strategic AI improved the calf crop by $80, bringing the total to $1,140. However, when we look at the impact of the purchased IVF embryos, the calf crop’s estimated breeding value improved by $474, totaling $1,534. When implementing a 5-year plan with embryos in this example, resulted in a $1,318,800 genetic profitability improvement!
While embryos are an investment, the genetic gains are real, and we work with you to design a plan that fits your needs!
Reproductive Advantage in Conception Rate
Create genetic gains with embryos without impacting pregnancy creation. Embryos can positively impact dairy operations’ reproduction programs without negatively impacting conception rates. After analyzing more than 30,000 real-world observations of first-to third-lactation dairy cows, embryo transfer was proven to not only create viable pregnancies but also aid in reproduction by improving the conception rate by 2%.

Two Ways to Implement IVF Embryos with ABS

Harness the power of embryos in your herd by contacting your local ABS Representative or filling out the form below.