Profitable Genetics
Using profitable genetics through high Balanced Performance Index (BPI$) and Net Merit (NM$) sires within a herd's breeding program will delivery a greater dollar return per cow, including improved feed efficiency.
The ABS focus is on profitable traits for production, health and quality conformation to breed profitable cows for the Australian dairy industry.
- Help to speed up your genetic improvement to allow you to unlock the full potential of your herd.
- Held you to improve labour efficiency. This is a growing issue that will be more important in the coming years, as the supply and cost become more challenging. Issues like having a higher cull rate, a full hospital pen, and mastitis are problems that add unneeded expense impacting on your business' bottom line.
- Are focused on long-term value through producing healthy, efficient, profitable cattle. Sustainability and animal welfare are ever present messages being fed down the supply chain to producers.
- Can help you better measure your herd performance and help you manage where to put your resources to maximise your output and bottom line profit.
If you're as excited as we are, our first step is to understand your needs. Contact us today for a no cost, no obligation consultation.
Some of the critical parts of the path to genetically improve your herd through ABS' Profitable Genetics program are:
GMS 2.0 Genetic Management System
De Novo Genetics - ABS' Genetic Partner
Bull Search is a comprehensive, straightforward search tool that enables dairy farmers to view genetic data on dairy sires across the world in a more efficient and accessible way. This tool has a full list of sires being actively marketed in Australia showing pedigree, production, genomics and photo support.
Bull Search allows dairy farmers to search for a bull's proof in Australia, US, Canada and UK. There is also the capacity to tailor the search and compare sires according to the attributes a dairy farmer is looking for.
- Mobile device friendly
- Select a team of bulls exclusively for your requirements
- Register to save bulls to "My List"
- Email or print reports directly from the tool
- Save different teams for future referencing or ordering