Sire Fertility
How ABS Sires are Ranked Using Real World Data®
ABS customers around the world appreciate seeing the Real World Data® (RWD™) Sire Fertility star ranking on the ABS lineup. These customers fully understand the advantages of accuracy, reliability, trustworthiness, and timeliness of fertility data.
ABS Real World Data Sire Fertility star rankings are calculated from all highly reliable bulls across the industry contained in the RWD database. Of qualifying sires, the top 10% are ranked as 5-star sires and the top 20% are 4-star sires. From there, the mid 40% receive a 3-star rating, the lower 20% 2-stars and the lower 10% are 1-star. The same ranking scale is then applied across the ABS active dairy bull population with 5 stars being the highest semen fertility and 1 star being the lowest semen fertility.
ABS bulls make up 40% of the RWD, while the other 60% are bulls from the other studs. This means the metric is built on the data from all reliable bulls, not just ABS bulls. The metric is then applied to ABS bulls to stratify the ABS offering. This ensures the ABS bull rankings are relative to the total industry population of highly reliable bulls.
Make the Best Choice
With ABS, you have the option to choose how much emphasis to place on sire fertility when selecting the right genetics to meet your operation’s goals. The ABS lineup offers many 4- and 5-star Real World Data Sire Fertility bulls at the top of their breed for fertility.
ABS Sire Fertility Ranking
Sire Ranking Percentage Points Versus Average Fertility
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Top 10% (2-3 points above average)
★ ★ ★ ★ Top 20%
★ ★ ★ Average 40%
★ ★ Bottom 20%
★ Bottom 10% (2-3 points below average)